Someone wise once told me not to join the PTA, but help from the sidelines. I clearly didn't take them seriously as I became chair of the village pre-school nearly 4 years ago (and for some of that time I didn't even have a child there!) and am involved with the school PTA now too.
It's been challenging in the past couple of years. Covid stopped pretty much all fundraising activities. These are essential for pre-school, as it's a registered charity and the current government funding for universal free childcare leaves a shortfall between operating costs and income. It doesn't take a genius to work out that's not sustainable for very long...
Last year the idea of a joint event for the pre-school and school came about. We brainstormed and felt that an event to attract the wider community would be our best way of putting ourselves on the map, letting new families know about us (many children who will start pre-school in 2022 were born in the first lockdown and so parents haven't had the usual experiences to find out about local settings), and help us plug the funding gap.

That idea has become a 10K multi-terrain run and a community fete. And I seem to have found myself as Run Director. It's been a steep learning curve but one that has so far been fun, with lots of support from the community and local businesses.
If you're local to Winchester and want to get involved, I'd love to hear from you. It's on Sunday 22 May 2022 in Compton (SO21 2AS). There are places available still on the run and entries are open via
And there are still plenty of volunteers needed. Roles can be as involved as you like, with marshals needed as well as lots of help required for the fete.
If you're reading this and can't make it but would like to offer support, there'll be a raffle on the day and we're still in need of some more prizes, and there are available sponsorship categories too..